Lets Tackle Crime

We started out the year recalling the number 2 event in the US, in our view. The War on Terrorism and the hope for Democracy.
We believe that the new phase the war is going in that it will have even a longer term affect on us as citizens of the United States of America. Our job is to make sure that the 8 trillion dollars spent since September 11th 2001 will rebuild America over the next five years as we spend $10 trillion dollars worldwide to bring about democracy, safe communities and peacefull coexistence.
We will create in Cincinnati a business headquarters for a African American owned professional Military corporation that serves clients from around the world.
We believe that our nation can stand as a shining example to all the world of freedom and democracy, a unique honor that comes with a responsibility to lead. First we must make our streets safe and our communities secure.
We can and have to win the War on Terror in Der Nati, first.
For mine and your children, grandchildren and those relatives known and unkown lets make 2006 a transition year.
Peace in the Hood with Jobs in the Hood
We don't have all the answers but through the net we hope to bring about change in greater Cincinnati that is, in part, coordinated through a public private faith based partnership called Nati Action Agency.
Cincinnati Change believes in America should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world starting with Cincinnati, Ohio.